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To collaborate and share files across teams or locations while also considering data governance and privacy,
Security is our first priority| Krome
Security is our first priority
Businesses face a challenge to offer secure access for a broader array of services and applications while guarding against increasingly sophisticated threats.
Protect yourself against encryption-based ransomware | Synology| Krome
Protect yourself against encryption-based ransomware
The risk of malware infection remains on a constant rise with new infections rapidly spreading every hour, every day.
Synology | Make IT resilient |Krome Integrated Technologies
Make IT resilient
Organizations need more than just backup; what is more important is to reduce RTO in the event of ransomware, disaster or hard drive failure.
Synology | Active Backup Suite |Krome Integrated Technologies
Active Backup Suite
Business-grade features without worrying about licenses. Active Backup centralizes backup tasks for VMware, Windows, Office 365 and G Suite to Synology NAS – and lets you manage from one simple console.
Fast and reliable recovery delivered to keep running services, VMs and files instantly available.
Krome Success Stories | Synology in jordan |The Department of Land and Survey of Jordan
The Department of Land and Survey of Jordan
Done By : Krome Integrated Technologies – Synology Official Distributor in jordan
By using Synology’s Surveillance Station, The Department of Land and Survey successfully implemented a complete surveillance system
Muhanad Zayed – Security Systems Engineer
Synology in Jordan | Where to buy
Krome Integrated Technologies is Synology official distributor
What is Cloud Computing Infographic
What is cloud computing? most people still have no idea what the cloud actually is, In our new cloud computing infographic we describe cloud computing to make it easy to understand. Learn more about cloud computing in our infographic.
Krome Integrated Technologies| Success stories |PDTRA Project
Configure and Implement Data Backup and off site Replication System for PDTRA, Petra Development and tourism Region Authority is requesting quotes to maintain data in two different locations backup mutually all data files in these locations. So we design a very useful solution that achieves the requirement of PDTRA.