
Configure and Implement Data Backup and off site Replication System for PDTRA, Petra Development and tourism Region Authority is requesting quotes to maintain data in two different locations backup mutually all data files in these locations. So we design a very useful solution that achieves the requirement of PDTRA.

  • PDTRA has two servers room , one of them is at its main building & it is well prepared also full of IT infrastructure ,servers , software applications, switches, routers, UPSs, and all PDTRAs clients are under its domain.
  • The second servers room is allocated at its remote site: Petra archaeological park (PAP), & it is well prepared also full of IT infrastructure, UPS.
  • The needed Data line connection (between PAP & PDTRA-main building) is not available so far, and it is needed for (files storage system project).

PDTRA has a capacity of precious data & information which are in a need to be saved and protected for a long time, also to be available, easy to be restored and managed any time users need, Data can be lost, corrupted, compromised or stolen through hardware failure, human error, hacking and malware. Loss or corruption of data could result in significant business disruption. Because that we applied Data backup and recovery strategy as an integral part of the files storage system project.


Backup Storage

We put two unites of backup storage, one of them is to be allocated at PDTRA-main building server room, & the second one is at PAP-server room .We scheduled backed up & stored at that tow unites at the same time, then same copy of data is available at main building and PAP building and can be accessed and restored (in disasters cases) any time it is needed .

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